TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Network Security - Security Assessment and Authorization
CONTRACT MANAGEMENT - Information Technology Contracting -
Integrated Logistics Support
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT - Functional Requirements Integration
Services - Information
Engineering Publications/Guidebooks

Vulnerablity, Firewall, and Data Loss
configuration and rules analyses ensure adequate enterprise protection
from the ever increasing myriad of Internet and intranet threats. CETECH
security analysts have the capability to forensics and analyze thoroughly
any security breach and provide accurate corrective action. We can provide
the expertise to install, design and/or maintain your network perimeter
and host based defenses.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention
analysis is another aspect of network security were CETECH excels in
providing world-class service to our clients. Our Engineers are familiar
with all major IDS vendor and freeware packages as well as extremely adept
at complex network traffic and attack identification. The Result is
accurate analysis of exploits giving real alerts and pertinent corrective
actions for all attack scenarios.
Security Assessment The security
assessment capability is a comprehensive, operational audit or
"snapshot" of enterprise IT security profile. Security assessments help
determine what security vulnerabilities exist on the network, the
source, and includes information on how to remediate specific
vulnerabilities. CETECH Network Security Engineers will thoroughly
investigate networks, systems and applications within scope in a
structured methodology, and document findings and recommendations. The
assessment should be scheduled regularly and includes the use of public,
commercial, and proprietary tools in a combination of automated and
manual examinations. Review and analysis from the perspective of an
outside entity provides impartial third party examination required by
many auditors. A detailed report provides both management and technical
network administrators recommendations to mitigate threats to the
network. The assessment can be in the form of penetration testing or an
ongoing risk management program involving multiple scanning techniques
to assess vulnerabilities.
Security Policy Development
This process assists in defining Security Policies necessary protect
IT infrastructure. CETECH develops such policies in coordination with
all principles through a rigorous review process providing the most
significant return on investment. A Security Policy is the foundation of
security outlining what assets are supported and what processes are
required to protect those assets. Security Policy defines proper
security procedures employees can refer to for established standards and
security controls. A CETECH Security Consultant will facilitate the
development and delivery of well defined, documented Security Policies
based on industry standards and best practices tailored to the specific
needs of your company.
Security Architecture and
Design This capability delivers the plans and blueprints for a
successful security infrastructure whether a new implementation or
re-engineering of an existing security infrastructure. CETECH Security
Consultants will design your Security Policy into your network security
infrastructure. Based upon careful analysis of existing IT architecture
and business objectives CETECH will offer a select group of technologies
and options that will meet your budget, functionality, performance,
interoperability and security goals. The Security Architecture is a
design description of security services and systems in support of these
services. The Security Architecture and Design describes how the system
is put together to satisfy those security requirements. CETECH Security
Consultants help comply with industry and government security
requirements while leveraging IT infrastructure in the most efficient
Firewall configuration and rules analysis - Intrusion Detection
and Prevention analysis - Analysis of exploits and recommended
corrections - Network remote scanning to determine
vulnerabilities - Network
Penetration testing and resolution - Unix security training,
providing Security personnel with exploit and
corrective action information - Risk and Network
and Validation of System/Networks - Identification of
security vulnerabilities in existing systems and networks. -
Provide risk assessment and corrective actions for systems being migrated
and enhanced. - Assist user agency
with the security certification of classified and
unclassified networks.
Information Technology
Contracting - Procurement Program Analysis -
Requirements Analysis - Development of Statements of
Work - Proposal Development - Source Selection
Evaluation Board (SSEB) Support - Support for Administration of
Contracts - FAR, FIRMR, DFAR, AFAR, and NARSUP
Specialists - Procurement Training
Logistics Support - ILS strategy planning and
development - Transition planning and development -
Configuration management - Supply support and provisioning
strategy - Technical data and data management -
Personnel and training plans - Maintenance strategy -
Equipment procurement and management - Technical documentation
development - Repair parts and tool graphic designs -
Acquisition Management (Military Weapon Systems)
Requirements Integration Services - Define functional
logistics users - Identify data elements - Provide
functional input to data base design - Develop queries to access
warehoused data - Provide functional design and development
support for client/server and web based logistics
applications - Perform functional test and evaluation of
logistics systems
Engineering Publications/Guidebooks - Technical Publications
Development: - Technical manuals - Software users
guides - Repair parts special tools breakdowns -
Training Documentation: - Users guides (software users
guides) - Student guides - Instructors guides -
Desk guides - Maintenance guides (Unit/Operator, Intermediate and
